Monday, June 17, 2013

Listen Up - Update 4

Just a quick update to say that after deploying to enough devices, the feed service is having some issues keeping up with the load. This has lead to listen up users not being able to get new episodes. I have written to the gpodder people and I'm awaiting a reply. I'm considering other alternatives at the moment.

Update The gpodder guys are generously setting up a new server to handle the new traffic. Hopefully, this should be fully resolved shortly.


Unknown said...

After updating to the latest update, 2.04, the app managed to lose all my subscriptions. They've finally come back now, but with no episodes yet, meaning an empty queue, and once they download i'll have to sort through to get the listened/unlistened correct for about the 4th time already. Not sure if the loss of the current downloads on update is a gpodder issue or is within your control, but if that starts to happen every software update it'll be a big issue.

Unknown said...


There was an issue in the packaging of 2.0.4/free.

Please wait for 2.0.5, the content of your queue etc will be back.

Unknown said...


did the 2.3.5 /free update resolve your issue?

Stephen Douglas said...

Randomly just marked all of my episodes across all of my podcasts as unlistened. Took a little while to sort that one out, hope it doesn't happen too frequently! I've added credentials for gpodder, could that be related?

Unknown said...


You were probably affected by the bad 2.0.4/free update

So it's probably not marked new but has duplicate episodes.

I recommend you wipe your local data. Your gpodder account will take care of restoring your subscriptions.

Stephen Douglas said...

Did that and half of the feeds haven't resynced correctly - they have "null" for the name and no epidsodes. Thye don't show on the website but they do show correctly in the gpodder app.

And of the ones that have synced, they only show the most recent couple of episodes even after I've clicked on "Load more episodes". Again, the episodes all show in the gpodder app.

So erm, yeah, not good.

Unknown said...

Yep, closing in on the issue.

Google Reader provided UUIDs for everything and now we don't have them.

Was using the link but some/many podcasts use scripts that have varying parameters depending on when you query them.

This leads to duplicate episodes, etc.

Stephen Douglas said...

Wish I'd known that before following your advice to delete the cache! Right now, there's only 2 podcasts (out of about 30) where I can pick up where I was up to previously :(

Unknown said...

It's a bug, I didn't know either

Unknown said...


Can you provide one of the podcast that has an empty title?

Stephen Douglas said...

Hmm, it's strange, having left it overnight a lot of the now have correct details and many of the episodes have now appeared. A lot still have the thumbnail from the wrong show, but I can live with that.

Could it all just be a symptom of the load issues?

2 of them still show null (I suspect they'll fix themselves during the day) - I think one is the Guardian Science Weekly, I can't figure out what the other one is (with no name, description or episodes it's not obvious!). Strangely, I can no longer see Science Weekly on either so really not sure what's going on with it. I think the RSS feed is at

Let me know if you want any more details

peter, adele and eliza said...

I'm running the latest (paid) update and I have set up a account. I've linked the two up and can see my subscriptions on the site.

Is this all I need to do? When Reader dies will Listen Up just carry on using gpodder instead?

Unknown said...

No, the null thing is still something I'm tracking but haven't been able to reproduce yet but feel it's more important to incrementally fix

Unknown said...


Yes that was the plan

Unknown said...

Hi Stephen,

A fix for your issue is now available in 2.0.8

Also, a Google Groups for listen up is now available here:!forum/listen-up-users