Saturday, May 25, 2013

Listen Up - Update 3

Fourth Saturday morning of work on Listen Up/Gpodder integration.

  • Pulling in subscriptions
  • Pulling in episodes
  • Adding on device subscriptions to the gpodder account
  • Proper delta calculations, i.e., only download what has since been updated since the last connection to the service
  • Anonymous mode (for those who don't want a gpodder account)
  • Unsubscribe
  • Properly handle disconnecting from account and re-connecting later
  • Device id/integration with gpodder
  • UI for credentials
  • Discovery, will most likely do this tomorrow
  • Server state of episodes (read, unread, position, etc.).  I've encountered a couple of issues here and I've notified the gpodder developers.  Will have to wait a bit more, doing discovery in this release instead
I plan on dogfooding this for the next little bit.  I would like to release this on June 9th but it will probably be June 16th.


Adding link to this feature request from gpodder.  Until this is added, I won't be doing server side state of episodes


Unknown said...

i really like your app, i was really pleased to find it after leaving listen, but please tell us you're gonna support feedly! they are opening the API and now working with other reader apps in order to work ok

Unknown said...

There are no plans to support feedly at this time.

Gpodder is free and has direct support for podcasts.

Stephen Douglas said...

Been working fine on my Desire for months, just updated to version 2 and the UI is badly broken and the app won't work. :(

You can see the queue, but it looks as though it's trying to superimpose something over the top - I've got a screenshot, if you want?

In the meantime, is the old apk available anywhere?

Unknown said...


Please provide a screenshot and I'll have a look

Unknown said...


Tried it out on a low dpi emulator running 2.3 and it seems fine.

Is it possible this is just the navigation drawer?

See the following URL:

Stephen Douglas said...

It does look like it should be the navigation tray - in fact clicking where the text should be brings up the queue, subscriptions etc.

There's a screenshot at the link below:

Unknown said...

OK, that's not normal

Unknown said...


I've turned off transparency off the navigation drawer so hopefully that will do it.

You should be able to hit the application icon to dismiss it. Can you please report if you can?

This will ship in 2.0.1 which will be sometime in the next few days

Stephen Douglas said...

Yeah, once you'd pointed out what it was meant to be, interacting with it works as expected, including dismissing it and bringing up the subscriptions, recently played, etc

I should have added that I'm using CyanogenMod rather than the stock rom, so it's possible that that's the culprit.

Thanks for the quick replies - I've just tried it on my tablet (a nexus 7 with the stock rom) and it works beautifully on there. Really looking forward to the rest of the gpodder integration - I'd love to be able to use the tablet for most of my listening and for managing my queue, and then pick up where I left off on my phone when I go for a run. I know that's dependent on getting a few things sorted on the backend, though.

Stephen Douglas said...

I had a dig around in the CyanogenMod settings, and tried disabling the 16 bit transparency settings - it now looks absolutely fine. Sorry for scaring you!

Altay said...

The latest update (2.0.1) which does away with the transparency makes it difficult to see the text in the navigation drawer, since it's now white text on a white background. I assume this is not intended.


Altay said...

The latest update (2.0.1) which does away with the transparency makes it difficult to see the text in the navigation drawer, since it's now white text on a white background. I assume this is not intended.


Unknown said...

I forgot about night mode. I'll make it a different color for night mode.

Thank you for reporting this

Unknown said...

I've been having problems updating feeds since the update. I managed to create the gpodder account, and i must have synched as my subscriptions now show upon the website,but i've been unable to get new podcasts from my existing subscriptions for a couple of days, even though they are showing on the website. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy note 2. Not sure if you have any ideas?

Unknown said...

Hi Mark,

Can you confirm you have 2.0.1? Some users had an issue where the timeout to gpodder was too small in 2.0.0

Unknown said...

Hi Patrick. Yes, i do have 2.01.

Unknown said...

Do you get a toast with an error message if you refresh manually?

Unknown said...

I have had, which was something like "unable to refresh UNAUTHORIZED", but i believe i had my gpodder login details wrong in the app. I've since corrected that, i now get nothing but the "refreshing subscriptions",or "refresh already in progress" messages.

Unknown said...

It takes a while for gpodder to answer. I suspect it's working now, just need to give it time to refresh.

Unknown said...

I will give it more time, however I'm not convinced, as I've tried to manually refresh again, and got the "refreshing subscriptions" message, meaning the previous attempt should have completed (or at least timed out). I'm also concerned that this will become an issue if this slow update is the norm, rather than a one off issue.

Thanks for your prompt responses.

Unknown said...

I'm wondering whether deleting the gpodder account and removing the app to start again clean might be the way to go. Do you think there is any merit in trying that?

Unknown said...

I honestly don't know.

Unknown said...

Not to worry, I'll give it a bit more time, and use that as a plan b if I'm not getting anywhere.


Unknown said...

OK, you can contact me directly on my email too and we can try to figure out what's going on

Unknown said...

uninstalled the app, reinstalled, and i can now updaate. Lost all my previously downloaded podcasts (which i expected), but now struggling to get any but the most recent podcasts (last 1-2 days) to show up within each subscription, even when selecting "download more". However, this may just be a speed issue, as one subscription has since updated with older shows.

Unknown said...


I think gpodder is starting to have some issues, maybe the new users or something.

I've reached out to the gpodder guys and are waiting for a reply

Altay said...

Thank you for your excellent work!
I'm looking for a way to launch Listen Up and have it automatically start playing. Tasker allows me to specify a data field which is passed to the application when it's launched. Is there something I can set in the data field to accomplish this, or does Listen Up ignore the data field?

Unknown said...

Don't what this data field is so hard to say if it will work or not.

Do you have any link where i can see what this is?

Altay said...

Tasker's documentation on it is sparse, but you should be able to get it on launch with getIntent().getData().toString() according to this:!msg/tasker/x2C0WpN6nHM/T8e00MLjRsUJ

Unknown said...

I don't currently check the launch intent for anything.